Balcony Garden

I've slowly been working on my little balcony garden. This weekend I planted a bunch of new things. I'm so excited to see it start growing.
tomatoes, lavender, geranium and hopefully some basil

a quickly growing succulent

nasturiums, a slightly sickly mini-rose, and hopefully an avocado

my favorite hanging basket
I've also been working on a little cable knitting (a long vest from Vogue knitting), baking gluten-free Ranger cookies and cutting out my wrap dress. I have barely enough fabric for the dress but I think it's going to work. More to come soon...


  1. you've been busy! I absolutely adore that white hanging basket - beautiful! Your knitting looks fantastic..and very difficult :)

  2. Your cable knit looks great! I'm not that advanced in my knitting just yet. Love the flowers and herbs. They will make look so lovely this summer.. and fresh herbs are always the best!

  3. nice photos of your balcony garden. i love that hanging basket!!!

  4. You sound really busy! The garden is really pretty. I like the hanging basket. The Ranger cookies sound really yum too!

  5. you've got a very good smelly balcony... sniiiiiiiiif... mmmmm so good... :)


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