what to do on a friday with pooches

It's so nice to babysit Beau and Abby, my favorite dogs in the whole world. I'm almost ready to settle down for the night and plan to finally finish the crocheted edge of this sweater. And there just may be time to swatch my next project. I have a couple of projects finished but they need to be photographed, tomorrow maybe.

Friday nights should be low pressure, I think.
Tonight I have already:
Fed and watered dogs
Kept dogs from barking (mostly)
Made myself dinner
Ate dinner
Killed some sugar ants but they came back
Researched baking recipes
Talked to the folks
Listened to the new Feist album
Thought about going to the craft fair in Santa Monica this weekend
Now my tea is brewing and it's time to hunker down.
Good night!


  1. How is that new Feist album? I loved the last one, but I read a crappy review for the new one. I never feel like I can trust written reviews though...looks like a fun night with the puppies!

  2. The albums ok. I heard a bad review too. The first listen didn't have a big impact but I think it deserves a second try.


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