Country Apron

This week, I whipped up this full apron for a friend's birthday. I based it on a one-yard apron pattern from an old book, just like these. There are four main pieces: the yoke, the front and two side pieces.

The pattern called for using bias binding to finish the edges and pockets on the sides. I chose to make mine reversible, skip the binding and place one pocket on the center front. I also adapted the yoke piece to a shape more to my liking and used tie ends instead of the binding.
The fabric is a little fussier than I usually choose but isn't it pretty? Just irresistible. The kind of thing one should wear while canning.


  1. Oh, yes, while canning and perhaps even while harvesting. That nice-sized bib could hold quite a harvest!

    What a pretty image your apron makes.

  2. Hi Beth, I joined the group in flickr - not really sure what I'm doing in there but I'm in the group - my pictures didn't show up in the pool though...

  3. really great! I just put a couple of books by that author on hold. don't see any of her books at my library that look to hold apron fashions, though

  4. I love this apron's detail... It's so sweet...

  5. i just found your blog in a search for have some wonderful creations! i'm looking for ideas for national apron day may 10, 2010...thank you!


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