Fabric Scraps

I've been doing a really good job of starting projects this weekend but not such a good job of finishing. While starting one of these projects, I needed to find the remnants of a particular fabric.
It wasn't easy to find in this mess but I finally did find the fabric I was looking for. In the process, I got kind of freaked out about all of these scraps I've been hanging on to for years. They take up so much room and I probably wouldn't miss them if I got rid of them. But maybe I would... What do you do with your fabric scraps?


  1. I saw a really clever idea on Threadbanger the other day - use them as pillow stuffing. Not the super cute scraps that you'd actually like to see. But the ho-hum ones that you've just been saving to save, so perfect!

  2. I have very little space so I'm a little ocd about my scraps. Really little ones, I give to my daughter (6) for her art projects. Bigger ones I cut into squares or rectangles, iron and fold them and keep them in storage boxes accoording to color. It'll take a while to get everything organized at first, but then keeping up with it is easy.

  3. Every blue moon, when I fall out of love with sewing what I'm sewing I cut the scraps into rectangles and then sew them together. Log cabin style ...into squares then pin them onto my corkboard. when i ahve enough I make a little blanket...or a big blanket...or a doll blanket...I framed some of them...they were pretty

    god...I'm a loser...I can't part with ANYTHING,,,not even scraps

  4. I tried to post a comment earlier but it didn't work for some reason! Anyway, my thought was sell/giveaway packages of your leftovers like they do on Craft Leftovers: http://www.craftleftovers.com/blog/
    (Hope nobody over there minds me sharing!)

  5. Thanks everyone for the ideas! I don't know what I'll end up doing with the scraps. I don't think I'll be able to part with them so I'll probably keep them - just in case.

  6. i'd make lavender bags, vary fabric either side. The last scraps i used were for stuffing draught excluders though!

  7. I have the same horrid problem, I hate owning mounds of stuff/junk and I periodically go through and chuck them out.
    But still, the problem persists.
    I'm sure there are a thousand things one could do with fabric scraps, but I just cannot be bothered.

  8. Another problem is unfinished or half finished projects, or ones that didn't work out. I feel guilty about chucking them, so i hang onto them until I'm eventually fed up and throw them.

    My sister knits and enjoys burning failed knitting projects.
    Theres a certain satisfaction i suppose seeing them rise up in flames, knowing you wont have to think about it any longer.

  9. In college, my textiles professor had the scraps in huge barrels, categorized by warm, cool, and neutral colors. It worked great! too bad I don't know where she got those barrels, because I would like some!

    Great blog! a

  10. I have the same problem! And I hate to part with them. An idea? Make crazy patchwork quilts for picnic, small quilts for pets (I make them recycling old jeans and shirts).

  11. Find your local Project Linus chapter! They make blankies for kids in traumatic situations. I'm sure they'd love to have them! Cleaning out your house and helping kids at the same time! WIN-WIN!


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