Plaid Ruby Shorts

I made these shorts using the BurdaStyle Ruby pattern. I lengthened the leg and the crotch. The leg could probably be shorter but I'm happy with the length. I've only made shorts once before and that pair had a zipper fly. I remember it being a really quick and easy project. These shorts were neither quick nor easy. First of all there are so many details including buttonholes, pockets and a decorative belt and then I had to go and choose a plaid fabric. Choosing a plaid fabric and actually caring about matching the lines made it ten times more challenging. I'm really getting tired of matching plaids and plan to avoid them for the time being.

I pulled it all off to my satisfaction but not without some frustration and seam ripping. Once again, I had a few problems following the BurdaStyle directions. I ended up mostly looking at the pictures and and going it alone. However, I did find a really good tutorial for bound pockets on the BurdaStyle website.

I found some white, vintage plastic buttons in my stash to pull it all together. I'm pleased with the result and very glad to be finished. To be positive, the shorts were a good learning experience of techniques. The next time I attempt a bound pocket or buttonhole, I'll be prepared! Shorts season is nearly over so I need to put them to use soon!


  1. Those are super cute! *sigh* You just reminded me that we are well beyond shorts weather now...

  2. Those are great. I'm not sure we've even had shorts worthy weather this year in North Wales. Fingers crossed for next year though x

  3. You're on a roll! These are really stylin'. I'm always nervous to try pants.

  4. You did a fantastic job! Love the colors of the plaid and the buttons are a nice touch.

    I have been intimidated by Burda's patterns. I need to try a super easy one to get over my fear.

  5. Those are very cute. You are so brave using a plaid. You are a serious seamstress. Can you believe we are still in shorts weather in CA?

  6. They sure are cute and look super tailored. MB

  7. Your sewing rocks. I love your post on crewel....

  8. These shorts look so good.

  9. Such cute shorts! Matching plaids is so frustrating, but it looks so good once it's over :) I love the buttons, too.


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