Knit Dress - McCalls M5468

I made this dress using my new serger. I recently purchased a Brother Lock 1034D. It works great for knits. I used my conventional machine to baste seams with gathering and when I needed to test sizing. Before purchasing, I did a lot of research and so far I'm very pleased. I used the 4-thread overlock on most of the seams and a 3-thread narrow hem stitch on the hem and ties (see above).
The pattern for this dress is McCalls M5468. I haven't worn it yet. I don't think it's very flattering in fit and in color. I think the only major change I made was to add a band at the neck because I thought it was too low cut. It's a very loose fit. I wouldn't make the pattern again without major alterations.


  1. Hello Beth, How are you?

    I hope you enjoy your new serge,
    I guess, you can do many stitches with it,
    I love the way it made your dress hem,

    Warm regards,


  2. Wait, you don't like the color OR the fit and you wouldn't do it again without changing it? I LOVE it, I think it's so darling.


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