Sewing Fail - Why can't I get eyelets to work?

Today I was planning to show a cool finished bag with triangle corners and featuring extra large eyelets at the top for the straps to run through. But after lots and lots of hammering, NOTHING happened. I swear I followed the instructions but I just can't get it to work.

Have you had success with applying grommets, eyelets or snaps? Have you ever used a tool like this or this? Do they work better than the little metal post things? I'd love to know if you have any advice. I always find frustration and disappointment when trying to do these.


  1. That tool can be futzy, but it does work with a little practice. For smaller grommets, I have a scrapbook tool called a Crop-a-dile that sets them like magic every time! I bet the grommet pliers to something similar.

  2. The last time I was setting in snaps, I was starting out with the hammer, and complaining to my husband about how hard it was to get them set right. He reminded me that I do infact own a grommet plier (works both for snaps and eyelets) and I got that and used it. It was so easy - I can't believe I hadn't tried that one before.
    In short - get the plier tool! :-)

  3. Yes the plier tool…they make different sizes! try that.

  4. Snaps are the death of me. Just not intuitive, easy to mess up if things are out of alignment, and expensive to re-do. Grommets -- the little ones -- we great for me using the Dritz grommet tool, like this one:

  5. Yes! I recently tried grommets for the first time with just a hammer and the setting tool, and I felt like I hammered and hammered and nothing was happening. Honestly, it took like 50 really good whacks of the hammer on a completely firm, stable surface (i.e. a concrete floor).

  6. Love the tones of your photo - Totally not answering your question, but as you know I'm not (yet) a sewer!!

  7. Thank you everyone for the tips!! Seems like I need to get one of those plier things. I've been resisting it. They are so expensive!


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