Mini DIY Tutorial – How to add Tweed Elbow Patches

Nothing says Fall more than tweed, denim and elbow patches (well, maybe leaves and pumpkins but we're talking fabric here, ok?). These are really simple to add to any shirt or jacket that needs repair or just a little extra flair.

Shirt, sweater or jacket
Material for patches
Embroidery floss

Step 1: Cut 2 patches and finish edges with an overcast stitch (by machine or hand).
Step 2: Adhere patches to Steam a Seam. Trim any excess fusible.
Step 3: Determine placement of patches on sleeves. Fuse in place.
Step 4: Using embroidery floss, make a blanket stitch around edges of patch. Add embroidery as desired.

This is a fun and easy project to refashion any old shirt. It would look great to add suede or micro-suede patches to the elbows of an old tweed jacket. I'm thinking about adding more embroidery around the collar or pocket of this shirt. What do you think? Does it need something more? For more elbow patch inspiration check out this pin. And for more DIY inspiration see my DIY fashion pinboard.


  1. You are great, please keep up this blog; I am a girl from Turkey who is an enthusiastic newbie in DIY and hopes to learn somethings from your tutorials <3 Thank you!


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