Refashion – Ribbon Trim Puffer Vest

I've had this classic navy puffer vest hanging unworn in my closet for years. The poor little thing hasn't seen the light of day in quite a few years and not just because it really never gets cold in LA. It's just too large for me and makes me feel frumpy. So with a little trimming – both with snips and with ribbon – this vest has had a fabulous makeover

The inspiration for this refashion came rather out of nowhere, as it does sometimes. First off, I had to take in the sides and slim down the fit. Just a simple baste, trim and stitch. Watch out for feathers when trimming. They will be everywhere!! 

Next, I wanted to add a little color to the vest in traditional, primary colors. I used red thread and my sewing machine to stitch a decorative overcast on the pockets. Then I found a very pretty floral ribbon for the shoulders. I bought 1/2 yard which was enough to cover both shoulders with a little left over. I folded over the raw edges of the ribbon and stitched it to the shoulder seams by hand. This ribbon reminds me of Heidi and the Sound of Music. Wouldn't it look super cute with braided pigtails?

Design Tip:

With a base color like navy, you can do almost any accent color. For example, you could go all neutral and use beige and brown trim. Or, you could go more hipster and use geometric pastels or neons. See below for a visual of some navy color pairings.

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