Spring Wardrobe - No. 3 Drape Drape Top

Here's another piece of my Spring Wardrobe finished and ready for wearing. This top is made using a pattern no. 4 from the book Drape Drape 2 by Hisako Sato. It's available in English on Amazon but I'm working from one in Japanese. I just couldn't wait for the English version and had to buy it as soon as I saw it in the Japanese bookstore in Little Tokyo.

This top looks rather funky just hanging but once it's on, it really takes shape. The hem straightens out and the left side has beautiful draping at the waist. Above is a picture of the schematic and instructions in the book. The top is just one big piece that folds on the side with a strip for the neckline.

I used my serger for all of the seams and the walking foot on my regular machine for topstitching the hems. It was a really easy shirt to make and I love how it came out. The neck binding is a little gapey and if I feel inclined I'll fix it. But for now, it's ok.

And here it is on. It's hard to see the details because the fabric is so dark but you get the idea. Here I paired it with dark skinny jeans and a braided fabric bracelet (see my DIY tutorial for the bracelet here).

You might have noticed that I've skipped No. 2 and gone right to No. 3 but don't worry I will complete them all! :) Keep checking back in over the next few weeks. I've set myself a deadline of March 31 to finish. Fingers crossed!

Check out the earlier posts in this series here:
Spring Wardrobe Planning Part 1
Spring Wardrobe Planning Part 2
Spring Wardrobe Sewing Plans

Follow along with me here:


  1. Nice! Love the shape. I still haven't braved this book. Your posts are making me think I should rectify that soon...

    1. You should try it! It's challenging but satisfying.

  2. so fun. I really like this top. modern take on the basic tee.

  3. What a clever top and so very chic. Bravo!

  4. Love this. Drape Drape 1 is on my birthday list, but I might ask for 2 instead.

  5. Yep. I need to order this book too! This is a fabulous top.


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