Taking the Me Made May Pledge

Hi there crafty friends! Have you heard of Me-Made-May? It's a really cool challenge, organized by amazing sewing blog So Zo, to wear self-made items for the entire month of May. I'm always wearing me-made clothes but for this month I'd like to do it a little more consciously and think about how my "me-made" clothes fit in with my purchased items. It's actually the perfect extension for my Spring Wardrobe and it will be a great jumpstart for some new Summer pieces. I plan on sharing some of my outfits throughout the month and I hope you'll keep coming back and see how I'm doing. Also make sure to check out the Me-Made-May flickr group to see what all of the other pledges are doing.

 'I, Beth of Lula Louise, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me-made piece of clothing or accessory each day for the duration of May 2013'

Follow along with me here:


  1. Looking forward to seeing your outfits!

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty excited. I'm going to try actually laying them out the night before. Imagine that! Planning ahead!


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