I made this little bag using the Blue Party Bag pattern from Patchwork Style by Suzuko Koseki. The bag was made entirely with materials that I already had on hand. I was able to use small fabric scraps for the strips that make the exterior of the bag. Pieces as small as 1 inch by 6 inches are usable in this project. The bag is pieced on top of the batting by sewing strips of fabric, right sides together with the batting underneath. Once you get the hang of it, it's very easy.
After piecing the strips, the bag is cut to the finished shape. Don't forget to add the seam allowance. It's not included in the pattern.
I've been saving this batch of red patterned fabric for a number of years and I'm so glad I was finally able to use them. I used machine embroidery thread and a combination of straight and zig-zag stitches to quilt the tops.
The book also shows a great technique for attaching a magnetic closure.
The only change I would make is the strap. I think it would look more finished with a cord than a ribbon. The strap can be changed out fairly easily because I skipped gluing it in place. Overall I really love the bag. The colors I used are very girly but darker shades would look more sophisticated. This would be a great purse for a young girl. It's very small in size with a classic shape.
very cute. I like that quilting technique.
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