DIY Beaded Bar Necklaces Tutorial

Geometric necklaces like these are very popular these days (check out my pinterest board if you need evidence). These necklaces are very easy to make and chic as well. Here's a brief tutorial on how to make them for yourself. I hope you enjoy!
Single Bar Necklace Supplies:
1 Eye Pin
10-12 beads
3 jump rings
1 clasp
2 pieces of chain about 11" long

Bar Necklace Steps:
1. Put about 10 or 11 beads on an eye pin. 
2. Trim straight end if necessary. Using round nose pliers, bend straight end to form an "eye". 
3. Attach a jump ring and chain to each end of beaded bar. 
4. Attach clasp and remaining jump ring to ends of chain.

And you're all finished! You can make this necklace with any kind of bead you wish. Try mix and matching for endless possibilities. Once you're confident with the single bar necklace, you can try your hand with the Triangle Bar Necklace.

 Triangle Bar Necklace supplies:
3 Eye Pins
10-12 square black beads
10-12 square gold beads
10-12 round blue beads
3 jump rings
1 clasp
2 pieces of chain about 11" long

1. Put black beads on Eye Pin 1. Add Eye Pin 2 to the end of the first and using round nose pliers, bend stick end of Eye Pin 1 to make loop.
2. Put blue beads on Eye Pin 2. Add Eye Pin 3 to end of Eye Pin 2. Using round nose pliers, bend stick end of Eye Pin 2 to make loop.
3. Repeat with gold beads on Eye Pin 3.

4. With a jump ring, attach chain to top two points of the beaded triangle.
5. Attach clasp and jump ring to ends of chain.
And you're all done! I hope you've had fun making your beaded bar necklaces. It takes a little bit of practice turning the straight end of an eye pin but you'll get the hang of it after a couple of tries.


  1. Thanks for posting the tutorial! Both of your necklaces are lovely! I used to play with jewelry making several years ago. I still have a pretty big box full of beads, tools and notions which I might open this weekend again ;)

    1. Finished! Thanks again for posting :)

  2. So simple and pretty! Love it.


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