Essentials for Plane Travel and Font Friday

Today I'm heading off to Chicago for the weekend. So exciting! I haven't been in about 15 years and I'm so looking forward to seeing it again. So in honor of the trip, today's Font Friday is Arsenale White – a handwritten font perfect for "writing" out a travel checklist. I found this font via this great roundup of free handwritten fonts from A Subtle Revelry.

This list is my true list of travel essentials that I've come to really value over and over again on all my travels.

1. Snacks These are so important, especially for me because I'm gluten free and sometimes it's really hard to find something to eat. Nuts and dried fruit are my favorite snacks to travel with.

2. A Scarf is great for chilly planes. It can be easily taken on and off with fluctuating temps and you can even ball it up and use it as a little pillow.

3. Water Bottle I'm rather frugal so I like to bring an empty bottle through security and fill it up at a water fountain. It totally works and save soo much money.

4. Lotion My skin tends to be dry and is even worse on the plane. My favorite hand lotion is Neutrogena Norwegian Formula because it's thick and nourishing. And you can use it on your lips in a pinch. For the face, I bring a little travel size of The Body Shop Vitamin E face lotion. And when the travel size empties out, I refill it with other face lotion. See what I mean about being thrifty?

5. Reading Material This one is a no brainer. Although I hate the weight of it, I particularly like to indulge in a magazine while on the plane. I also like to bring my Kindle so I can have a variety of books and games to suit my ever changing moods.

6. Noise Canceling Headphones If you haven't tried these, you must. Especially for long plane rides, it cuts down all of the noise from the engines and makes it easier to listen to your music without having to crank it up super high. I recently bought this white Sony pair and I love them.

7. Ipod Again an obvious one. You have the headphones now you need something to listen to. I like to load mine up with new music and podcasts so I have plenty to keep myself entertained.

Do you have any plane travel essentials of your own?

So, back to the font for just a minute. :) There are subtle variations between the cap and lowercase as shown above. The capitals tend to look a little taller but they are all essentially lowercase letters. This is a fun font if you need a loose, handwritten font. If you're looking for more font inspiration, follow #FontFriday on Twitter.

Have a great weekend everybody! Be sure to check out my Instagram for some snapshots of Chicago. Even though I'm heading a couple of time zones away, I have a cool guest post lined up for Monday so be sure to come back and check it out!

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  1. I love the font and also the design of the checklist. The checklist is also quite useful to me as I never adequately prepare for plane rides and usually end up being quite fidgety for the entire flight. I tend to assume that looking out the window will keep me content but that's not always the case (and of course I don't always get a window seat). I'll definitely keep your list in mind next time I travel. :)


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