Guest Post – DIY Camera Strap from Pop Cosmo

Hi Lula Louise friends, we are Kim and Chloe from Popcosmo. We're a mom (Kim) and teen daughter (Chloe) blogging together showing that klutzy gals can wear heels, and that teens & moms peacefully share clothes and ideas... most of the time. We blog about fashion, DIY projects, and anything else that catches our fancy. Beth asked us to fill in while she's off basking in the sun somewhere springy with lots of fruity drinks and sandy shores (we're totally making that up, we just hope she's somewhere fun!), and we love Lula Louise so much that we were honored to introduce ourselves to you, her BFFs in the blogosphere, with our latest DIY. 

Our DIY Camera Strap is completely customizable with your choice of trim, and Chloe chose a Coachella looking sunflower trim. I wanted something ready for a blogfest or a friend's wedding and everything in between, since our camera tends to go everywhere we go! Which brings us to the main reason this ended up being our most fun DIY to date: the strap is interchangeable (just clip it) and since they are so easy to make, we each have our own! Next up: our own camera. (Hey, a gal's gotta dream!!)

Hope you enjoy the DIY and come hang out with us at Popcosmo anytime. We love chatting with everyone who connects with us via comments on the blog, Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin', etc! Just ask Beth, we met at #BlogBrunch chat and bonded over a shared love of gorgeous blogs and do-able DIYs.  Thanks Beth and hope to see y'all soon at Popcosmo.


  1. THis is such a fab idea, I have been wanting a cool camera strap for aaaaages!
    Em x
    p.s. love the new blog design

  2. I know what you are sayng, one camera for each of you it-s very important. Hope you will have it soon. It looks lovely with those sunflowers on the strap!

  3. super cute idea! i can't wait to try to make one of my own (it seems simple enough that even I can make it ;) )
    thanks for sharing!


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