DIY Printable – Happy Raindrop Christmas Ornaments

Growing up in Oregon, rain was a much more common Christmas event than snow. For me, nothing really says the holidays quite like cloudy skies and trickling rain drops. Now that I live in Southern California, with all the sunshine and palm trees, it never quite feels like Christmas. Rather it feels more like vacation. Suffice it to say I sometimes (just sometimes because honestly I can not complain about sunshine) feel a little nostalgic for the drippy weather. So when I was thinking about how I want to decorate my little silver tinsel tree happy little raindrops were the perfect fit.

Raindrops and clouds could be very sad so to keep it cheerful I gave them happy, smiling faces. And aren't they just the happiest raindrops you've ever seen? Blue and silver are some of my favorite colors for Christmas. They evoke that icy, elegant feeling that makes the season perfect for cozying up indoors with hot cider and cookies.

To make your raindrop Christmas ornaments, download the pdf (there are 2 pages), and print on heavy 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Cut out the shapes and tape a loop of thread to the back of each piece. For the big umbrella tree topper, make a ring of paper and tape to the back. Hang your ornaments on the tree and enjoy! This is a great project for kids too. It's so easy to do and those little raindrops are beyond adorable.

Click here to download pdf.


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