DIY Vintage Double Knit Coasters with Mini Tutorial

Have you ever noticed that some people are coaster people and some, well aren't? In my family, we're coaster people. And by coaster people I mean, if some non-coaster person puts a drink on that wood surface without at least a magazine in between an internal panic attach will likely ensue. Of course, the anxiety is easily relieved with a casual "Oh here's a coaster" move. A move made all the easier by having a stack of lovely coasters at the ready.

Read more after the jump...

Of course, I already have a decent selection of coasters but one could always use a few more, right? I have a few books (at least three) with instructions for making coasters. They are all pretty much the same, the only variance being the number of layers of material (one, two or two plus batting). I decided to use two layers of fabric plus a layer of batting. One can never be too safe when it comes to hardwoods. ;)

I have a lot of scraps of vintage double knit fabric in my stash and they're not really right for a quilt but I thought they could work for a coaster. Above you can see the steps for making these fun little coasters.

Here's a quick tutorial:

1. For each coater, you will need two 5 inch squares of fabric and one of batting. Piece the fabric as needed.

2. Baste batting to wrong side of coaster back.

3. With right sides together, stitch front to back of coaster, leaving 2 inch opening on one side.

4. Trim corners and turn right side out through opening.

5. Topstitch around four outside edges to close the opening. Topstitch across coaster, as desired. I used a zig zag stitch over the seams and decoratively in places.

These were fun little coasters to make and I'm sure that they will come in handy. I'm now thinking of other ways I can use up all this vintage double knit I have taking up room in my hall closet.


  1. Cute idea, love the colours too (you may have picked up from my blog that I'm an orange fan!!)

  2. Adorable coasters. Thanks for sharing a tutorial! What really makes your coasters awesome is the fabric you used.. it's awesome! Feel free to send some my way;) Also I love how you added decorative stitches giving them a quilt block look. Love em!


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